Yeah, I've been gone from this blogger thing for a while. I simply haven't had any desire to post anything. Much has happened but I simply have no desire to post.
This last January I took a much needed vacation. I went to Mexico for a couple of weeks. My family comes from a small town out in the boonies. I wrote about this in a previous post. See "Off to Mexico, I went", posted January 17, 2020.
In this town festivities take place for an entire week, roughly from January 6 to the 12th. There are fireworks, live music, food, vendors, etc. So that is the main attraction. That is why we return to that small town out in the middle of nowhere every December and January. The rest of the year there is nothing to do there. Literally. There are no bars, no theaters, no museums, no good restaurants, etc. Exactly how people survive in that small town is beyond me.
So, this past January I went back to that town. I lay in bed and went to sleep. I had a dream which turned into a lucid dream. Not much happened. Nothing that I really cared to write about. It was a short astral projection experience and nothing more. Probably triggered by the change in ambience. I was in a distant town in a foreign country.
I returned home and again I had another short astral projection experience. Again, it was mostly insignificant to me. Probably triggered again by the change in ambience; I was back home.
The only thing worth writing about is that in one of those astral projection experiences I found myself in what appeared to be a hill or mountain side. I was walking along a path heading in a downward direction when I became lucid and realized that I was in the dream world.
As I have done in the past I decided to jump and see if I would float. Yes I floated. I actually came back down on my back and landed on a large boulder. Fortunately in the astral the landings are gentle. The laws of gravity in the astral world are much different than in our physical world. In the astral world when we jump we float and come back down gently.
After coming back down from my leap I decided to not jump again. Even though we come down gently I didn't like the idea of coming down on a boulder.
From the hill, or mountain side, I could see out into the distance. It was a beautiful scene. The path I was on was lush and green, covered and surrounded by mosses and various lush green plants.
This type of scene is very common during my astral travels. I often times find myself in or around lush green forests, parks, hills, mountains, etc. Often but not always. There are times when I find myself in barren scenes. Sometimes I find myself inside of buildings in which the walls are concrete and barren.
Anyway, I've been gone for a while from this blogger. Not sure how long I'll be away from it again.